Thursday, April 25, 2013

For All Have Sinned

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  Romans 3:23


   There are no exceptions.  I think it is part of our nature to think sometimes we aren't really so bad.  After all, we can always think of somebody who's done something worse.  Unfortunately, we lose sight of what sin really is.  When we are disobedient to God, we sin.  We can take away with us the fact that we have all done it.  Then Paul uses a Greek verb for 'fall short' that is written in the present tense.  So in other words all of us are in the process of sinning.

   Sin has been categorized, diminished, and diluted to the point where people don't even know what the truth is anymore.  There are 'little white lies' and 'half truths.'  Regardless of what you call them, they are still lies.  Some sins seem to be permissible under certain circumstances.  If we can minimalize it then we can do it without having to feel so guilty. 

   Sin is a problem in this world in so many ways.  Not only that, it is because of sin that we need a cure; we need a doctor.  If we are sinners and always in the position of coming up short, how can we be made right with God?  That is the point after all. 

   The Bible uses a legal term called 'justification' which simply means to be made right.  Something has to happen to make us acceptable that will negate the sin in our lives.  If we try and remedy it ourselves then our sin will always be before us and we can never measure up to God's standard and in the end we will stand convicted.  Verse 24 says, "Being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus;"

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